John and Sarah Cocker

Inquest Transcript


The Coroner's report into John's death states: "AN INQUISITION indented taken for our Sovereign Lady the Queen in the County of Cornwall within the Island of Tasmania this Tenth day of February in the 35th year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lady Victoria by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland Queen Defender of the Faith before my, John Ralston Esquire one of the Coroners of our said Lady the Queen for the said Island and its Dependencies on view of the body of John Cocker then and there lying dead upon the Oaths of David Collins, William Barrett, Thomas Grundy, George Urch, Nathaniel Hood, Joseph Bennett, and Richard Hood good and lawful men of the said Island and duly chosen and who being then and there duly sworn and charged to enquire for our said Lady the Queen when where how and after what manner the said John Cocker came to his death do upon their Oath say

THAT on the Tenth day of February in the year aforesaid the said John Cocker being employed as feeder on the drum of a thrashing machine accidentally casually and by misfortune became entangled with the machinery thereof and his left foot was being drawn in by such machinery was completely crushed and his leg otherwise injured of  which he the said John Cocker instantly died and so the jurors  aforesaid upon their oath aforesaid do say that the said John Cocker in manner and by means aforesaid accidentally casually and by misfortune came to his death and not otherwise


IN WITNESS where of the said Coroner as the Jurors aforesaid have to this Inquisition set their Hands and Seals the day and year and place above mentioned Signed by David Collins - Foreman John Malston - Coroner and the aforesaid Jurors."