Edward Harvey and Unita Joy Jordan
3-Edward Harvey was born on 26 Feb 1906 and died on 5 Oct 1962 at age 56. Another name for Edward was Jack.
Edward married Unita Joy Jordan, daughter of Charles William Lionel Jordan and Hilda Wolfe, on 4 May 1929 in Ulverstone, Tasmania. Unita was born on 10 Mar 1907 in Forth, Tasmania and died in Sep 1966 in Moonah at age 59.
Hilda Wolfe was the grandaughter of convicts ↑George Wolfe and ↑Ann Tully.
The youngest child, Jack, crewed for Roy on his boat as a young man, before he became a wood cutter. He married Unita (Nita) Jordan of Forth 4th May 1929. Nita’s father built the young couple a cottage in Leith next door to Gran Harvey’s house. Jack got a job with the Public Works Department (PWD) rebuilding the Leith Railway Bridge following its loss in a flood and then worked on other PWD projects on the North West Coast until, in 1936, he got a job repairing railway lines. He later moved to Hobart with the Tasmania Railways. Jack and Nita had one son Ron, born 10 February 1930. Ron worked for the Hydro Electric Company (HEC) in Tasmania for 41 years, joining it as a junior office boy. When he retired he was the Acting Commissioner and in his time had seen great changes take place and large construction projects such as Lake Pedder delivered
They had one son: Ron.
4-Ron Harvey was born on 10 Feb 1930.